^B{^#!16!28 July^N! National Day of Peru. Feast day of Saints Nazarius and Celsus, St Botvid, and St Samson of Dol.
^B{1786^B} The first potato arrived in Britain, brought from Colombia by Sir Thomas Harriot. ^B{1794^B} Maximilien Robespierre and 19 other French Revolutionaries went to the guillotine. ^B{1821^B} San Martin and his forces liberated Peru and proclaimed its independence from Spain. ^B{1858^B} Fingerprints were first used as a means of identification by William Herschel, who later established a fingerprint register. ^B{1868^B} The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, dealing with citizens' rights of all races, was ratified. ^B{1914^B} Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, beginning World War I. ^B{1976^B} The Tian Shan area of China was struck by an earthquake which caused over 800,000 deaths.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}Gerard Manley Hopkins, English poet, ^B{1844^B}; Beatrix Potter, English author and illustrator, ^B{1866^B}; Marcel Duchamp, French painter, ^B{1887^B}; Rudy Vallee, US singer, ^B{1901^B}; Garfield Sobers, West Indian cricketer, ^B{1936^B}; Riccardo Muti, Italian conductor ^B{1941^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Thomas Cromwell, Chancellor to King Henry VIII, executed, ^B{1540^B}; Cyrano de Bergerac, French poet and soldier, ^B{1655^B}; Antonio Vivaldi, Italian composer, ^B{1741^B}; Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer, ^B{1750^B}; Nathan Mayer Rothschild, British banker, ^B{1836^B}; Otto Hahn, German nuclear physicist, ^B{1944^B}.